Contact Us


    Jl. Ped Buyuk, Br. Bodong, Dusun Pendem, Desa Ped, Kecamatan Nusa Panida, Kabupaten Klungkung 80771, Bali, Indonesia.

    T. +62 361-3352228
    WA. +62-812-3900-3818

    It takes around 45 minutes to cross the ocean to reach Nusa Penida Island from Sanur. This service is very safe because the boat used is equipped with various safety facilities such as life jacket, life raft, navigation and various other security equipments.

    How far is the Sankara Beach Penida from the boat landing or harbor?

    • 20 minutes to Banjar Nyuh boat landing
    • 15 minutes to Buyuk boat landing
    • 20 minutes to Sampalan boat landing
    • 20 minutes to Toya Pakeh boat landing